How you can get ITC Clearance in South Africa online
Who is ITC?
ITC meaning: ITC changed its name in 2003 and is now known as TransUnion. TransUnion is one of the main credit bureaus in South Africa.
How do I check my ITC record in South Africa?
You can check your ITC record also known as your ITC report, by downloading a FREE copy of your credit report from TransUnion here.
What is the meaning of ITC Clearance in South Africa?
ITC clearance means having your credit record cleared, and in some cases, having the debt counselling flag removed from your credit report and being removed from the debt review process.
How do I remove debt review from ITC record?
If, when referring to ITC clearance, you are referring to being removed from the debt review process, you will need a debt review clearance certificate. At Meerkat, we have registered Debt Counsellors who can legally assist you with removing you from the debt review process. And, we can do this completely online!
MyMeerkat FSP is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 50979). Registered Debt Counsellor NCRDC 2613.
Watch this video with Founder & CEO of Meerkat, David O'Brien as he discusses how you can be legally removed from the debt review process:
How do I clear my name on ITC in South Africa?
Another way of asking how do I clear my name on ITC is also, how do I clear my name from a credit bureau. If you want to clear your name on ITC (credit record), and you currently cannot keep up with your monthly debt repayments, you should consider going under debt review.
Debt review is a legal process that was introduced by The National Credit Act (NCA) to help consumers who are unable to keep up with their monthly payments.
A registered Debt Counsellor will put together a restructured repayment plan, inclusive of your repayment terms, for your debt so that you can:
- Pay a reduced monthly debt installment.
- Reduce the interest rate on your loans.
- Protect your valuable assets like your car and home.
The aim of debt review is eventually to become debt-free!
Read: Debt counselling | Everything you need to know
What is a debt review clearance certificate in South Africa?
A debt review clearance certificate is a document, also known as Form 19, that indicates to you and credit bureaus that you have successfully completed the debt review process.
Once you receive a clearance certificate, the debt review flag on your credit report (ITC report) will be removed and you will be cleared.
The only person who can legally issue you with this clearance certificate is a registered Debt Counsellor.
At Meerkat, our Debt Counsellors are registered with the National Credit Regulator (NCR) which means we have legal capability to issue you with a debt review clearance certificate.
How do I get a debt review (ITC) clearance certificate to clear my name?
If you want to clear your name, Meerkat can issue you with a valid ITC clearance certificate (debt review clearance certificate) if you meet at least ONE of the following criteria:
- You have paid all your debts according to your debt review repayment plan. These debts include, but are not limited to, credit card debt, store or retail accounts etc
- You have paid all your debts except your home loan.
- All your debts are paid and the debts that aren’t paid have been prescribed.
Do you meet at least ONE of the above-mentioned criteria? We can get you cleared.
Start your easy online application to get cleared now.
Read: Prescribed debt in South Africa
How much is ITC clearance in South Africa?
ITC clearance, or being removed from debt review, will cost you R1150 including VAT if you use Meerkat and if you have your paid-up letters from creditors.
How does ITC clearance work?
How do I know if I am removed from debt review?
A simple way to check if you’ve been successfully removed from debt review is to check your credit report.
How long does ITC clearance take in South Africa?
If you have all your paid up letters it can take up to 10 days to be removed from the debt review process (get ITC clearance).
Can I get a loan after being removed from debt review?
Once the debt review flag has been removed from your credit report, you will be able to apply for a loan or credit again. It's important to note, however, that you will need to first build up a credit score again before your loan is approved.
Read: Here's how you get approved for a personal loan