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Meerkat Blog

Our blog covers insights and practical tips to reduce your reliance on debt and build up resilience for financial emergencies in a simple, cost-effective and tailor made way.


Debt Solutions

NCR Debt Review Removal

3 min read

The only way you can cancel NCR debt review in South Africa is if you get issued with a NCR...

Debt Solutions

Your ultimate guide to debt counselling in South Africa

3 min read

If you've heard about debt counselling, but you're not really sure what exactly it is or you know a...

Debt Solutions

Navigating the Storm: The Harsh Reality of Rising Interest Rates for Middle-Income South African Consumers

2 min read

The cost of living in South Africa has impacted all of us. In many households, hardworking families...


How do I budget with a low income in South Africa?

3 min read

Budgeting for a low income in South Africa can be a challenging task, especially if we consider all...

Debt Solutions

Why you should go under debt counselling in 2024

3 min read

You should go under debt counselling in 2024 if you are struggling to make your monthly debt...

Financial Education

How to change your money mindset

3 min read

A money mindset refers to the set of beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts that individuals have about...
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