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Meerkat Blog

Our blog covers insights and practical tips to reduce your reliance on debt and build up resilience for financial emergencies in a simple, cost-effective and tailor made way.



What is a good credit score in South Africa?

3 min read

What is a credit score in South Africa Before establishing what a good credit score in South Africa...

Credit, Debt Solutions

How to Remove Prescribed Debt from Your Credit Report

2 min read

Managing your finances can be a challenge, especially when old debts seem to resurface...


How to check if you're blacklisted in South Africa

3 min read

What does being blacklisted in South Africa mean? Previously, when credit bureaus only stored...

Credit, Debt Solutions

How do I get a clearance certificate for debt review?

2 min read

What Is a Debt Review Clearance Certificate? A clearance certificate, also sometimes known as the...

Credit, Budgeting, Debt Solutions

How can i clear my credit record in South Africa?

4 min read

Maintaining a healthy credit record is essential for financial security. A clean credit record not...


What you need to know about credit reports in South Africa

2 min read

What is a credit report? A credit report is a detailed overview of your credit history compiled by...
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